What is the nth Derivative of 1/x? [Solved]

The nth derivative of 1/x is equal to (-1)nn!/xn+1. This is obtained by repeatedly using the power rule of differentiation.

The nth derivative of 1/x is denoted by $\dfrac{d^n}{dx^n}\left( \dfrac{1}{x}\right)$, and its formula is given as follows:

$\boxed{\dfrac{d^n}{dx^n}\left( \dfrac{1}{x}\right)=\dfrac{(-1)^n n!}{x^{n+1}}}$

nth Derivative of 1/x

Question: How to find nth Derivative of 1/x?

To find the nth derivative of 1/x, let us put y = 1/x. We need to find yn, the nth derivative of y. We have:

y = x-1.

By power rule $\dfrac{d}{dx}\left( x^n\right)=nx^{n-1}$, the first derivative of 1/x is given by

y1 = -1 ⋅ x-1-1 = -1 ⋅ x-2.

The second derivative of y is obtained by differentiating y1 with respect to x. That is,

y2 = -1⋅-2 ⋅ x-2-1 = (-1⋅-2) x-3.

In a similar way, the third and the fourth order derivatives of 1/x are respectively given as follows:

y3 = -1⋅-2⋅-3 ⋅ x-3-1 = (-1⋅-2⋅-3) x-4.

y4 = -1⋅-2⋅-3⋅-4 ⋅ x-4-1 = (-1⋅-2⋅-3⋅-4) x-5.

By looking at the patterns, we see that the nth derivative of 1/x is equal to (-1⋅-2⋅-3⋅-4 … -n) x-(n+1) = (-1)nn!/xn+1.

Conclusion: Therefore, the nth derivative of 1/x is equal to $\dfrac{(-1)^n n!}{x^{n+1}}$.

Derivative of x root(x)


Question 1: If y=1/x, then find y5.

From above, we know that the nth derivative of 1/x is equal to (-1)nn!/xn+1. That is, yn = $\dfrac{(-1)^n n!}{x^{n+1}}$. Thus, to obtain the fifth derivative y5, let us put n=5.

So $y_5 = \dfrac{(-1)^5 5!}{x^{5+1}}$ $= -\dfrac{120}{x^6}$.

Hence, if y=1/x, then y5 = -120/x6. That is, the fifth order derivative of 1/x is equal to -120/x6.

Similarly, the sixth derivative of 1/x is equal to $\dfrac{(-1)^6 6!}{x^{6+1}}$ = 720/x7, that is, y6 = 720/x7.

Also Read: Derivative of y=sin(x+y)


Q1: What is nth Derivative of 1/x?

Answer: The nth derivative of 1/x is equal to (-1)nn!/xn+1.

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