What is the Integral of sinhx? | sinhx Integration

The integral of sinhx is equal to coshx+C. Here we learn how to integrate sinhx, the sine hyperbolic function. The sinh(x) integral formula is given below: ∫sinhx dx = coshx +C where C is an integration constant. How to Integrate sinhx Question: Find the integral of sinhx, that is, Find ∫sinhx dx. Answer: One know … Read more

Integration of sec square x | Integral of sec^2x

The integration of sec square x (sec2x) is equal to tanx+C. In this post, we learn how to integrate sec^2x. Sec^2x Integration Formula The integration formula of sec2x is given by ∫sec2x dx = tanx +C where C denotes an integral constant. What is the Integration of sec^2x Answer: The integration of sec^2x is tanx+C. … Read more

What is the Integration of cot^2x | Integral of cot^2 x

The integration of cot^2x is equal to -(cot x +x)+C. In this post, we will learn how to find the integral of cot^2x (cot square x). We will use the following two formulas: Find Integration of cot2x Question: Find the integration of cot2 x?That is, find ∫cot2 x dx. Answer: The integration of cot2x is … Read more

Integration of Fourth Root of x | 4√x Integration

The integration of fourth root of x is 4×5/4/5 + C. In this post, we will find the integral of the fourth root of x by the power rule of integration. Let us now learn how to integrate fourth root x. Integral of Fourth Root of x The fourth root of x is expressed as … Read more

Integration of sin cube x | Integral of sin^3x

The integration of sin cube x is equal to -cosx + cos3x/3+C where C denotes an integral constant. In this post, we will learn how to integrate sin^3x. Sine cube x integration formula: The integration formula of sin3x is given by What is the integral of sin^3x Answer: The integral of sin^3x is equal to … Read more

Integral of sinxcosx | How to Integrate sinxcosx

The integral of sinxcosx is equal to -(cos2x)/4+C or, (sin2x)/2+C where C is an integration constant. In this post, we will learn how to integrate sinx cosx. The integration formula of sinxcosx is give as follows: Find the integration of sinx cosx Answer: The integration of sinx cosx is (sin2x)/2+C. proof: There are three methods … Read more

Integration of x/(1+x) | Integral of x/(1+x)

The integration of x/(1+x), that is, the integral of x divided by 1+x is equal to x – ln|1+x|+C. In this post, we will learn how to integrate x/(1+x). To find the integral $\int \dfrac{x}{1+x} dx$, we will use the following power rule of the integration formula: ∫dx/x =ln|x|+C …(I) Integration of x/(1+x) Question: Find … Read more

Integration of x/(1+x^2) | Integral of x/(1+x^2)

The integration of x/(1+x^2), that is, the integral of x divided by 1+x2 is equal to 1/2 ln(1+x2) + C, where C is a constant. Here ln denotes the natural logarithm. In this post, we will learn how to integrate x divided by 1+x^2. Let’s find the integral: $\int \dfrac{x}{1+x^2} dx$. To find the above … Read more