Derivative of tan square x | tan^2x derivative

The derivative of tan square x is equal to 2tanx sec2x. Here we find the derivative of tan2x by the chain and product rule. The derivative formula of tan square x is given below:


What is the derivative of tan square x?

Let us find the derivative of tan2x by the chain rule. To do so, let us put


So dzdx=sec2x.

Now, by the chain rule, the derivative of tan square x will be equal to

ddx(tan2x) = ddx(z2)×dzdx

= 2z × sec2x by the power rule of integration: d/dx(xn) = nxn-1.

= 2tanx sec2x as z=tanx.

So the derivative of tan square x is equal to 2tanx sec2x, and this is proved by the chain rule of derivatives.


Derivative of tan2xDerivative of sinx cosx

Derivative of tan2x by Product Rule

Note that tan2x is a product of two times of tanx. So the derivative of tan2x by the product rule is equal to

ddx(tan2x) = ddx(tanxtanx)

= tan x ddx(tanx) + tan x ddx(tanx)

= tanx sec2x + tanx sec2x as the derivative of tanx is sec2x.

= 2tanx sec2x.

So the derivative of tan2x is tanx sec2x, and this is obtained by the product rule of derivatives.

Derivative of sin5xDerivative of sin3x
Derivative of root tanxDerivative of 1/x


Q1: If y=tan2x, then find dy/dx?

Answer: The derivative of y=tan2x is dy/dx = 2 tanx sec2x.

Q2: What is the derivative of tan2x?

Answer: The derivative of tan2x is 2sec2x tanx.

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